spiced 12AX7

NB: The use of the software on this page is deprecated in favour of more recent development lines.

What Is This?

This page contains spice plots and analysis data documenting soft harmonic distortion and hard clipping as it occurs in the output node of a simple preamp stage model containing one 12AX7, a valve commonly found in instrument preamp stages.

Neither is this the simulation of a complete real instrument amplifier preamp stage, nor are the results and deductions claimed to be complete or even true to the real thing. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this analysis will give insights into the principles of valve-based amplification tone coloring and to give a foundation for a DSP implementation of similar sonic characteristics.

The spice netlist used to obtain these plots was taken from this page; modifications to the model during the process of this analysis are announced as they are applied.


Because it sounds good.


This work has been outdated by a more recent preamp simulation which recreates a preamp like it is actually found in instrument amplifiers.

Soft Harmonic Distortion

We'll start with the plot of the output voltage in an 8 ms simulation run, with the input signal a 1 kHz sine wave at an amplitude of 2V, which is close to the amplitude where the valve will start clipping due to the finite supply voltage. At this point, the circuit's harmonic distortion is assumed to be the most pronounced.

plot of output voltage
Output Voltage over 8 ms for Vin = 2V

There's nothing much to be deduced from the study of the waveform in this plot other than that the circuit moderately reduces the DC offset of the input signal.

We'll take a closer look at the data, aided by spice's fourier command:

No. Harmonics: 20, THD: 5.56295 %, Gridsize: 200, Interpolation Degree: 1

Harmonic Frequency   Magnitude   Phase       Norm. Mag   Norm. Phase
-------- ---------   ---------   -----       ---------   -----------
 0       0           236.795     0           0           0          
 1       1000        112.014     -175        1           0          
 2       2000        6.15831     99.2836     0.0549779   274.288    
 3       3000        0.758719    -167.48     0.00677342  7.52732    
 4       4000        0.501393    -76.571     0.00447615  98.433     
 5       5000        0.0229983   49.8592     0.000205316 224.864    
 6       6000        0.03878     -83.018     0.000346206 91.9866    
 7       7000        0.149622    -161.82     0.00133574  13.1869    
 8       8000        0.153184    108.659     0.00136754  283.663    
 9       9000        0.136587    21.9192     0.00121937  196.924    
 10      10000       0.0896132   -65.937     0.000800016 109.068    
 11      11000       0.0430878   -152.03     0.000384664 22.9766    
 12      12000       0.0056387   131.219     5.03392e-05 306.223    
 13      13000       0.0147968   -154.16     0.000132098 20.8439    
 14      14000       0.0195741   120.119     0.000174746 295.124    
 15      15000       0.0140638   31.4185     0.000125553 206.423    
 16      16000       0.00542198  -62.641     4.84044e-05 112.363    
 17      17000       0.00140694  81.0185     1.25604e-05 256.023    
 18      18000       0.0026102   -34.628     2.33023e-05 140.376    
 19      19000       0.000377796 57.1867     3.37275e-06 232.191    
Harmonic distortion over 8 ms of the output signal

For the 10th harmonic we record an amplitude of -62 dB, the 15th comes at -78 dB.

To get an idea how the simulation error converges over longer simulation runs, we look at the same model, run in a 4 ms simulation:

Harmonic Frequency   Magnitude   Phase       Norm. Mag   Norm. Phase
-------- ---------   ---------   -----       ---------   -----------
 0       0           236.838     0           0           0          
 1       1000        111.985     -175.01     1           0          
 2       2000        6.16016     99.1752     0.0550086   274.183    
 3       3000        0.750173    -167.37     0.00669885  7.63536    
 4       4000        0.504372    -75.932     0.00450391  99.075     
 5       5000        0.0247499   45.5492     0.00022101  220.557    
 6       6000        0.0367601   -77.556     0.000328258 97.4513    
 7       7000        0.144581    -161.61     0.00129107  13.3992    
 8       8000        0.151514    107.496     0.00135298  282.503    
 9       9000        0.138637    21.5923     0.00123799  196.6      
Harmonic distortion over the first 4 ms of the above output signal

The error is found to be sufficiently small to find the data reliable for DSP implementation purposes.

We check for fundamental frequency dependency by looking at the harmonic distortion of the same model for a 500 Hz sine wave:

No. Harmonics: 20, THD: 4.95494 %, Gridsize: 200, Interpolation Degree: 1

Harmonic Frequency   Magnitude   Phase       Norm. Mag   Norm. Phase
-------- ---------   ---------   -----       ---------   -----------
 0       0           237.204     0           0           0          
 1       500         105.272     -167.68     1           0          
 2       1000        5.16334     119.696     0.0490474   287.38     
 3       1500        0.493219    -147.49     0.00468517  20.1942    
 4       2000        0.508691    -42.743     0.00483214  124.941    
 5       2500        0.156109    -118.58     0.0014829   49.1044    
 6       3000        0.121501    159.88      0.00115416  327.564    
 7       3500        0.0219959   83.6658     0.000208943 251.35     
 8       4000        0.0208087   -179.68     0.000197666 -11.994    
 9       4500        0.0462616   102.121     0.000439446 269.805    
 10      5000        0.0457141   23.4853     0.000434246 191.169    
 11      5500        0.0323143   -55.193     0.000306959 112.49     
 12      6000        0.0127659   -133.63     0.000121265 34.0554    
 13      6500        0.00476529  -34.314     4.52663e-05 133.37     
 14      7000        0.0159176   -112.16     0.000151204 55.527     
 15      7500        0.0190177   169.127     0.000180652 336.811    
 16      8000        0.0152531   90.4079     0.000144892 258.092    
 17      8500        0.00742921  11.8249     7.05713e-05 179.509    
 18      9000        0.00106921  111.911     1.01566e-05 279.595    
 19      9500        0.00738784  34.3466     7.01783e-05 202.03     
Harmonic distortion statistics for a 500 Hz sine wave

There seems to be a good deal of similarity to the distortion the 1 kHz signal experienced in the data points. From the 5th harmonic on, the difference between the two begins to differ more. The result could, however, also find a simple explanation in the circuit's frequency response, which an AC analysis reveals:

plot of frequency response
Frequency response of the simulated circuit

The frequency response is fairly linear between 1 and 10 kHz, which is suggesting that the harmonic distortion characteristics do in fact vary depending on the input signal frequency content.

Sawtooth response

For a DSP implementation, it is interesting to know if we can emulate the distortion characteristics as a simple wave shaping transfer function. We feed the same circuit 2 ms of silence, then ramp the input linearly over 1 V over another 2 ms, and finally ramp over 2 V in 4 ms to get an idea:

plot of sawtooth response
Sawtooth response of the simulated circuit

The plot seems to suggest that a simple transfer mapping may indeed give good results if combined with the right sort of filtering.

Hard Clipping

Let's now head on to the hard-clipping characteristics of this preamp simulation. We'll boost the input amplitude until it well exceeds the hard-clipping threshold(s):

plot of output voltage plot of output voltage
Output Voltage for Vin = 3V Output Voltage for Vin = 6V

These plots are much simpler to read: the upper lobe of the signal is clipped much earlier than the lower lobe, and the top clipping threshold evaluates to about the supply rail voltage, which is what the author would expect.

For a DSP simulation of a complete amplifier, this means that the clipping threshold will probably vary if the power amplification stage is connected to the same power supply.

An additional run with the input amplitude boosted further to 10 V shows that the lower clipping threshold can be assumed a fixed value like the upper threshold:

plot of output voltage plot of output voltage
Output Voltage for Vin = 10V Output Voltage for Vin = 6V

The hard clipping will produce harmonic content rich enough to convince the author that a detailed analysis will be more fruitful when immediately combined with an effort to implement a DSP analogon.

The LADSPA unit

The author has written a LADSPA unit that implements naive hard clipping inspired by the study of these plots, without any aliasing protection measures though.

For an implementation of valve-like harmonic distortion of the softer kind, please be referred to Steve's valve and valve_rect LADSPA units.


You may want to read the Gnu Public License that covers this plugin.

Here's the source code.


			$ tar xvfz clipper.tar.gz
			$ cd clipper
			$ make
			# make install

How to Use

The plugin only has one audio input and output port each, there are no parameters to set. Feed it a well-amplified guitar signal (the real fun starts at 30 dB) and route the output through a speaker emulation like unmatched to get a usable high-gain distortion tone.

Future versions of this plugin may or may not produce a different sound.

tim@quitte.de, February 18 2004.